Friday, July 20, 2007

Do's and Don'ts of Polymer Clay

This is my non-exhaustive, alphabetized list of Polymer Clay Do's and Don'ts:

~ * ~ * ~ Do's ~ * ~ * ~

Adapt it

Add it

Admire it

Affix it

Anchor it

Angle it

Antique it

Applique it

Apply it

Attach it

Auction it

Bake it

Bead it

Beat it

Bend it

Blend it

Block it

Blog about it

Boil it

Bounce it

Box it

Braid it

Break it

Brush it

Buff it

Build it

Buy it

Calculate it

Campaign for it

Cane it

Cap it

Carry it

Carve it

Catch it

Categorize it

Chat about it

Chop it

Coil it

Collect it

Color it

Condition it

Confetti it

Conform it

Contort it

Coordinate it

Copy it

Cover it

Crack it

Crackle it

Craft it

Crochet it

Crumble it

Cube it

Cure it

Curl it

Cut it

Decorate it

Deform it

Deliver it

Design it

Develop it

Dice it

Dip it

Dismantle it

Display it

Distribute it

Divide it

Double it

Draw on it

Dream of it

Drill it

Dye it

Embrace it

Encase it

Encode it

Engrave it

Enlighten it

Experiment with it

Explore it

Expose it

Extrude it

Fill it

Film it

Flatten it

Flick it

Flip it

Fold it

Force it

Form it

Fracture it

Frame it

Freeze it

Give it

Glorify it

Gloss it

Glue it

Google it

Gouge it

Gradate it

Grate it

Grind it

Grip it

Group it

Grout it

Guide it

Hang it

Harden it

Heat it

Help it

Hide it

Hinge it

Hit it

Hoard it

Honor it

Hug it

Imagine it

Imbed it

Jumble it

Kaleidoscope it

Keep it

Knit it

Knot it

Lace it

Lacquer it

Leach it

Lengthen it

Level it

Link it

Log it

Look at it

Loop it

Love it

Lubricate it

Magnetize it

Magnify it

Mail it

Make it

Manipulate it

Mark it

Market it

Mass Produce it

Massage it

Master it

Match it

Measure it

Mirror it

Mix inclusions into it

Mix it

Mokume Gane it

Mold it

Morph it

Move it

Multiply it

Mush it

Nail it

Origami it

Pack it

Package it

Paint it

Pass it

Paste it

Patina it

Perfume it

Photograph it

Pile it

Pinch it

Play with it

Poke it

Polish it

Pop it

Popularize it

Position it

Pound it

Practice it

Print on it

Process it

Prod it

Proliferate it

Pucker it

Pull it

Puncture it

Purchase it

Push it

Puzzle it

Quadruple it

Qualify it

Quantify it

Quarter it

Question it

Ram it

Recombine it

Recycle it

Redo it

Reduce it

Reformulate it

Refrigerate it

Release it

Repeat it

Reposition it

Reproduce it

Reuse it

Revolutionize it

Ribbon it

Rip it

Ripple it

Roll it

Sample it

Sand it

Save it

Saw it

Scrap it

Scrape it

Screw into it

Scrub it

Sculpt it

See it

Sell it

Sew it

Shape it

Share it

Shave it

Shear it

Sheet it

Shine it

Shop for it

Shorten it

Shove it

Show it

Shred it

Slam it

Slice it

Slump it

Smash it

Smell it

Smoosh it

Smooth it

Sort it

Splice it

Split it

Sponge it

Squeeze it

Stack it

Stamp it

Stick it

Stockpile it

Stomp it

Store it

Stretch it

String it

Strip it

Stripe it

Study it

Subtract it

Swap it

Sweep it

Switch it

Synthesize it

Tamp it

Tangle it

Tangram it

Tap it

Teach it

Tear it

Tessellate it

Texture it

Thicken it

Thin it

Think of it

Throw it

Tie it

Tile it

Tint it

Toss it

Tower it

Trade it

Transfer onto it

Transform it

Transport it

Triple it

Truncate it

Try it

Tuck it

Tumble it

Turn it

Twist it

Undo it

Use it

Veneer it

Visualize it

Wash it

Wear it

Weave it

Weigh it

Wiki it

Wipe it

Wrap it

Write about it

Write on it

~ * ~ * ~ Don'ts ~ * ~ * ~

Burn it

Consume it

Flush it

Fry it

Melt it

Outlaw it

Smoke it

Sending out a special thanks to my kiddos for helping me create this list and for the hours of giggles that ensued as we speculated all of the Do's and Don'ts!

What did I miss? Can you think of anything else? If so, comment below . . .


Libby said...

I love this list!

Anonymous said...

don't you forget it